Friday 11 March 2016


I wanted to edit my sketches but keep them natural and rough, but adding in colour.
I wanted to use more than one colour to emphasise feelings, for example blue and red; i wanted to use this colours as they represent meaning, so blue for the negative, sad reason the people are doing these acts and red for the strong, positive happy reason these people are in these places. 

I decided to then overlap some of my drawings to convey the multiple reasons that these people are sitting in a cafe, buying flowers or in a book store. 
After playing around with different effects I think I've created the feelings I wanted to show within my narrative images.

This one of the people sat in a restaurant is my favourite image I created. The overlapping is clear and you can see the 3 multiple colours showing through each other. The blue layer almost creates an emotional shadow to the original layer, showing the same people doing the same thing but the blue creates a more sad and tense feel to the location. This is exactly what I wanted to show, people in everyday situations but for different reasons, good or bad.

I also really like these two, of the people on the bus and the girl in the book store. Again i used positive and negative colours to create a separate mood layer. 
With the girl in the book store layer, I added another drawing of her right beside her. I think this works well in really emphasising my idea of multiple reasons and ideas behind the peoples actions.

With these two images it worked better just having two colours of white and red. The Flowers were two busy in the last image that it made it almost too unrecognisable. 
Im still happy with how these turned out as my intentions are still showed, and the people sat at the table (above) I've only overlapped slightly.

Overall, I think these 5 images work really well together and portray the multiple meanings of the locations. Im really pleased i was able to keep the rawness of my original drawings as i think this created a real natural feel to the over all illustrations.

I also created one of these for the bus sketch, but i feel its too busy and doesn't portray the message i wanted. Theres too much going on and the colours and feelings are just lost within the patterns in the bus.

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