Friday 11 March 2016

First Story

For this live brief we had to create a front cover design for a poem book for some students at a school. We were given specific sizes to work towards and a Title and Theme for every book. For this I was interested in one called 'My Voice is Shy Tiger' with the theme described as the students had imagined their voice as a creature who is eluding them, but who is eventually tracked down.

I wanted this to be a simple design, focusing on a main image so the overall look wasn't too busy.

So first of all i did some quick thumbnails of the initial ideas the came too mind. Some are not great at all but i went with the one i liked of a tiger roaring, i thought this was fitting as he's 'showing his voice'.

I then re-drew it properly adding the colour and detail I wanted. I also wanted to keep it hand drawn looking to give it a raw organic and natural feel to the design.

I then played around with layout, design and text around the image. I wanted the tiger to be the main feature so tried to add as little background noise as possible. Some of these work a lot better than others but i was keen on the design where the title word 'Voice' comes out of the tigers mouth as if he's saying it.

So I turned the tiger around so it looked like he was roaring the words. I wanted the text to be very simple and basic to create a contrasting effect against the pencil drawn image of the tiger. Im pleased with the overall outcome of this, but would of like to create more final designs rather than just one if i had the time before presenting my ideas.

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