Sunday 25 October 2015


In this workshop, we were working on drawing rectangles from different angles and views. This is something I've always known I'm not that good at, and after not doing it for a while I had forgotten how difficult it is as well. Perspective overall, is something that I know I need to improve on, and so starting with something like this was the perfect start for me.

I started by drawing mainly smaller items, such as these boxes and small drawers that were around my desk at the time. I thought this would be an easier place to start, but proved to be just as difficult. I really struggled with the perspective of all of my drawings, and so went over them again and again until you could clearly see the true shape of the object.

I was then showed, that sometimes you need to lie about what you see, for the truth to be shown. And this made it a little easier to start being confident with my sketches so that the shape of the images was being shown quicker and more easily.

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