Sunday 25 October 2015


This time we were looking at the perspective of people. We were shown this sheet that helps explain how to draw people from off angles and not to make them look like they have miniature or non existent limbs.

I am not very good at drawing people, so I was dreading this task. But actually I started to become at ease with drawing people from angles. We started in a small group by looking up or down at each other and drawing what we could see of that person.

I found it much easier to draw looking down on people, rather than looking up. Im not sure why, but the drawings above of the two girls sat down I think are portrayed better for the angles they're in. Ive struggled to get the people I'm looking up at, to look like they're above. So i decided to draw Sophie here, which I'm looking down on. This time she's posing where I can't see her left leg or arm. This was more challenging as it could of looked really strange, flat and wonky. I think I've managed to get it right though, and actually by drawing her stood like this I feel its only enhanced and exaggerated that I was looking at her from above. 

We were then shown how to exaggerate certain points of the image to really show the perspective off. So with Tim standing on a table above me, I wanted to exaggerate the fact I was looking up by making his shoes and the bottoms of the trousers larger, as that was the thing closest to me.
                                                                                                                                                                                         This was my attempt at exaggerating the proportions. And I think that even though it is more obvious he's higher up than me in this image than some of the others, I think more exaggeration is needed to make it more effective. 

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