Monday 18 January 2016


We were drawing ourselves as children, by remembering what we looked like and looking at photos. I wanted to also draw my sisters as they were a big part of my childhood. I found this useful for our upcoming childrens book project, as we learnt about the different shapes children have to adults and how the proportions are different.

I struggle with drawing people anyway, especially making them look natural and not just flat and rigid. Ive also not practised drawing faces a lot, so with the two images of my sister and me below i tried to focus on making the faces look as realistic as i could. 

Cardboard Masks

In this task, we created large wearable character masks out of cardboard. This was to create oversized creatures similar to the random creatures you can find within children stories. I started by making these simple step-by-step guides with the little pictures to demonstrate how to make my simple idea. I wanted to make a giant pumpkin head, for a surreal halloween theme.

We then went on to drawing each other whilst wearing them. I found this interesting as you saw each others characters in a more life like form from different angles and moving with the gestures of the people wearing them, bringing them to life as real monsters and creatures.