Tuesday 10 November 2015

Colour experiments

Today we were looking at the Saturation, Tint and Tone of colours and how certain colours fit together better than others. I picked three colours I liked and then showed them in full saturation, tinted and toned.

Then I experimented with how they would look along side each other, and how the boldness of some can change the way others look. I reversed some experiments, so if one colour was the small box in the middle I would also see how it looks being the bigger colour too. This really changes the over all  look and feel of the two colours beside each other. 

Figure sequence

We were looking at drawing a short sequence of just 3 to 5 frames, with at least 2 different view points. After being told we were going to work into them at a later date exploring colour I kept this in mind when trying to decide what to do. 

I decided to do a short sequence of a boy going up to bed, with the idea of it all being very grey, but his dream would be in vivid colour.


Today we had to 'map' our journey from the top of town in Montpellier, down to uni. First of all I just started with walking, deciding which way I wanted to go.
Then I decided to draw my way, looking at the buildings, focusing on what buildings stood out the most to me.

Whilst doing this I noticed a big difference in the doors and door frames I was seeing. At Montpellier they were all very intricately designed and elegant, but the further along my walk into town the doors became more basic and run down. So I decided I wanted to map my journey through the doors I saw.